Python For Data Analysis-八章第一节

《Python For Data Analysis》的第八章主要讨论的是数据的组合、合并和变形等问题。

17.1 层次化索引

层次化索引(hierarchical indexing)是pandas的一项重要功能, 有点像表格的合并单元格,它使你能在一个轴上拥有多个(两个以上)索引级别。有了层次化索引之后,可以很容易的访问分块数据以及做一些基于组的操作(group-based),比如做一个数据透视表(pivot table)。



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
print "-" * 40
course_name = ["Math", "English","Music", "Physics", "History",
      "Law", "Botany", "Science", "Art", ""]
print course_name, "# course_name"
print "-" * 40
course_number = range(len(course_name))
print course_number, "# course_number"
print "-" * 40
d_map = dict(zip(course_number, course_name))
print d_map, "# dict for map"
# random number for timetable
print "-" * 40
dd = np.random.randint(0,len(course_name), size = 30).reshape((6,5))
df = pd.DataFrame(dd,
                 index=[['morning', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'evening'],
                        ["1~2", "3~4", "5~6", "7~8", "9~10", "11~12"]],
                 columns=[["Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"],
                          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
print df, "# df random timetable in number"
print "-" * 40
for i in df.columns:
print df, "# df timetable in names"
print "-" * 40
print df.loc["morning", "3~4"]
print "-" * 40


['Math', 'English', 'Music', 'Physics', 'History', 'Law', 'Botany', 'Science', 'Art', ''] # course_name
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # course_number
{0: 'Math', 1: 'English', 2: 'Music', 3: 'Physics', 4: 'History', 5: 'Law', 6: 'Botany', 7: 'Science', 8: 'Art', 9: ''} # dict for map
                Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
                  1    2   3    4   5
morning   1~2     9    4   6    8   0
          3~4     8    2   4    6   1
afternoon 5~6     8    7   9    1   2
          7~8     5    6   9    9   3
evening   9~10    7    1   7    2   0
          11~12   6    9   8    7   3 # df random timetable in number
                     Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
                       1        2        3        4        5
morning   1~2             History   Botany      Art     Math
          3~4        Art    Music  History   Botany  English
afternoon 5~6        Art  Science           English    Music
          7~8        Law   Botany                    Physics
evening   9~10   Science  English  Science    Music     Math
          11~12   Botany               Art  Science  Physics # df timetable in names
Mon   1        Art
Tues  2      Music
Wed   3    History
Thur  4     Botany
Fri   5    English
Name: (morning, 3~4), dtype: object


1). 首先是列出所有课程信息,这里用course_name来记录所有的课程的名字。

course_name = ["Math", "English","Music", "Physics", "History",
      "Law", "Botany", "Science", "Art", ""]

2). 课程编号

course_number = range(len(course_name))


d_map = dict(zip(course_number, course_name))


3). 生成随机课表二维矩阵。

dd = np.random.randint(0,len(course_name), size = 30).reshape((6,5))


4). 构建多层次索引的dataframe数据df。

df = pd.DataFrame(dd,
                 index=[['morning', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'evening'],
                        ["1~2", "3~4", "5~6", "7~8", "9~10", "11~12"]],
                 columns=[["Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"],
                          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])

5). 借助map函数将每列的课程编号换成课程名字。

for i in df.columns:

6). 打印上午三四节的课程信息。

print df.loc["morning", "3~4"]

7). 最后将df数据输出到.csv文件,



print "-" * 40
for i in df.columns:
print df, "# df timetable in names"
print "-" * 40


                     Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
                       1        2        3        4        5
morning   1~2             History   Botany      Art     Math
          3~4        Art    Music  History   Botany  English
afternoon 5~6        Art  Science           English    Music
          7~8        Law   Botany                    Physics
evening   9~10   Science  English  Science    Music     Math
          11~12   Botany               Art  Science  Physics # df timetable in names


  • 层次化索引的dataframe可以为其index和column均设置名字name。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
print "-" * 40
course_name = ["Math", "English","Music", "Physics", "History",
      "Law", "Botany", "Science", "Art", ""]
print course_name, "# course_name"
print "-" * 40
course_number = range(len(course_name))
print course_number, "# course_number"
print "-" * 40
d_map = dict(zip(course_number, course_name))
print d_map, "# dict for map"
# random number for timetable
print "-" * 40
dd = np.random.randint(0,len(course_name), size = 30).reshape((6,5))
df = pd.DataFrame(dd,
                 index=[['morning', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'evening'],
                        ["1~2", "3~4", "5~6", "7~8", "9~10", "11~12"]],
                 columns=[["Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"],
                          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
print df, "# df random timetable in number"
print "-" * 40
for i in df.columns:
print df, "# df timetable in names"
df.index.names = ["part", "section"]
df.columns.names = ["week", "day"]
print "-" * 40
print df, "# df with names"
print "-" * 40


['Math', 'English', 'Music', 'Physics', 'History', 'Law', 'Botany', 'Science', 'Art', ''] # course_name
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # course_number
{0: 'Math', 1: 'English', 2: 'Music', 3: 'Physics', 4: 'History', 5: 'Law', 6: 'Botany', 7: 'Science', 8: 'Art', 9: ''} # dict for map
                Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
                  1    2   3    4   5
morning   1~2     3    4   5    9   1
          3~4     3    2   1    6   2
afternoon 5~6     0    1   8    6   8
          7~8     2    0   6    5   6
evening   9~10    9    5   4    8   7
          11~12   9    5   0    6   7 # df random timetable in number

                     Mon     Tues      Wed    Thur      Fri
                       1        2        3       4        5
morning   1~2    Physics  History      Law          English
          3~4    Physics    Music  English  Botany    Music
afternoon 5~6       Math  English      Art  Botany      Art
          7~8      Music     Math   Botany     Law   Botany
evening   9~10                Law  History     Art  Science
          11~12               Law     Math  Botany  Science # df timetable in names
week                   Mon     Tues      Wed    Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3       4        5
part      section                                            
morning   1~2      Physics  History      Law          English
          3~4      Physics    Music  English  Botany    Music
afternoon 5~6         Math  English      Art  Botany      Art
          7~8        Music     Math   Botany     Law   Botany
evening   9~10                  Law  History     Art  Science
          11~12                 Law     Math  Botany  Science # df with names


df.index.names = ["part", "section"]
df.columns.names = ["week", "day"]


week                   Mon     Tues      Wed    Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3       4        5
part      section                                            
morning   1~2      Physics  History      Law          English
          3~4      Physics    Music  English  Botany    Music
afternoon 5~6         Math  English      Art  Botany      Art
          7~8        Music     Math   Botany     Law   Botany
evening   9~10                  Law  History     Art  Science
          11~12                 Law     Math  Botany  Science # df with names

17.2 调整索引级别

pandas 的swaplevel函数可以调整层次化索引的级别。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
course_name = ["Math", "English","Music", "Physics", "History",
      "Law", "Botany", "Science", "Art", ""]
course_number = range(len(course_name))
d_map = dict(zip(course_number, course_name))
dd = np.random.randint(0,len(course_name), size = 30).reshape((6,5))
df = pd.DataFrame(dd,
                 index=[['morning', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'evening'],
                        ["1~2", "3~4", "5~6", "7~8", "9~10", "11~12"]],
                 columns=[["Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"],
                          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
for i in df.columns:
df.index.names = ["part", "section"]
df.columns.names = ["week", "day"]
print "-" * 40
print df, "# df with names"
print "-" * 40
print df.swaplevel("part", "section"), "# swaplevel"
print "-" * 40


week                   Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3        4        5
part      section                                             
morning   1~2        Music      Art  Physics      Art     Math
          3~4      History  Physics      Art      Art  Physics
afternoon 5~6      History     Math  Science     Math   Botany
          7~8          Art   Botany    Music    Music     Math
evening   9~10       Music   Botany      Law  English         
          11~12        Art  History  History   Botany    Music # df with names
week                   Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3        4        5
section part                                                  
1~2     morning      Music      Art  Physics      Art     Math
3~4     morning    History  Physics      Art      Art  Physics
5~6     afternoon  History     Math  Science     Math   Botany
7~8     afternoon      Art   Botany    Music    Music     Math
9~10    evening      Music   Botany      Law  English         
11~12   evening        Art  History  History   Botany    Music # swaplevel

17.3 索引分级重排数据


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
course_name = ["Math", "English","Music", "Physics", "History",
      "Law", "Botany", "Science", "Art", ""]
course_number = range(len(course_name))
d_map = dict(zip(course_number, course_name))
dd = np.random.randint(0,len(course_name), size = 30).reshape((6,5))
df = pd.DataFrame(dd,
                 index=[['morning', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'evening'],
                        ["1~2", "3~4", "5~6", "7~8", "9~10", "11~12"]],
                 columns=[["Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"],
                          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
for i in df.columns:
df.index.names = ["part", "section"]
df.columns.names = ["week", "day"]
print "-" * 40
print df, "# df with names"
print "-" * 40
print df.sort_index(level = 0), "# level = 0"
print "-" * 40
print df.sort_index(level = 1), "# level = 1"
print "-" * 40


week                   Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3        4        5
part      section                                             
morning   1~2      History     Math     Math      Law      Art
          3~4       Botany      Art     Math    Music  History
afternoon 5~6      English      Art  History  English  Physics
          7~8        Music      Law      Art  Physics    Music
evening   9~10              History      Art  Physics  History
          11~12    History  Science               Law      Law # df with names
week                   Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3        4        5
part      section                                             
afternoon 5~6      English      Art  History  English  Physics
          7~8        Music      Law      Art  Physics    Music
evening   11~12    History  Science               Law      Law
          9~10              History      Art  Physics  History
morning   1~2      History     Math     Math      Law      Art
          3~4       Botany      Art     Math    Music  History # level = 0
week                   Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3        4        5
part      section                                             
evening   11~12    History  Science               Law      Law
morning   1~2      History     Math     Math      Law      Art
          3~4       Botany      Art     Math    Music  History
afternoon 5~6      English      Art  History  English  Physics
          7~8        Music      Law      Art  Physics    Music
evening   9~10              History      Art  Physics  History # level = 1

level=0意思是按"part"下的值来排序数据,level=1意思是按"section"下的值来排序数据。 * sort_index函数默认(axis=0)是行排序,也可列排序(axis=1)。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
course_name = ["Math", "English","Music", "Physics", "History",
      "Law", "Botany", "Science", "Art", ""]
course_number = range(len(course_name))
d_map = dict(zip(course_number, course_name))
dd = np.random.randint(0,len(course_name), size = 30).reshape((6,5))
df = pd.DataFrame(dd,
                 index=[['morning', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'evening'],
                        ["1~2", "3~4", "5~6", "7~8", "9~10", "11~12"]],
                 columns=[["Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"],
                          [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])
for i in df.columns:
df.index.names = ["part", "section"]
df.columns.names = ["week", "day"]
print "-" * 40
print df, "# df with names"
print "-" * 40
print df.sort_index(axis = 0), "# axis = 0"
print "-" * 40
print df.sort_index(axis = 1), "# axis = 1"
print "-" * 40
print df.sort_index(axis = 1, level = 1,ascending=False), "# axis = 1"
print "-" * 40


week                   Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3        4        5
part      section                                             
morning   1~2      Science  History      Art    Music     Math
          3~4      Science     Math           History    Music
afternoon 5~6      English      Art  English    Music      Law
          7~8      History   Botany    Music  Science    Music
evening   9~10     English  Science     Math  Physics  History
          11~12    Physics    Music    Music    Music  English # df with names
week                   Mon     Tues      Wed     Thur      Fri
day                      1        2        3        4        5
part      section                                             
afternoon 5~6      English      Art  English    Music      Law
          7~8      History   Botany    Music  Science    Music
evening   11~12    Physics    Music    Music    Music  English
          9~10     English  Science     Math  Physics  History
morning   1~2      Science  History      Art    Music     Math
          3~4      Science     Math           History    Music # axis = 0
week                   Fri      Mon     Thur     Tues      Wed
day                      5        1        4        2        3
part      section                                             
morning   1~2         Math  Science    Music  History      Art
          3~4        Music  Science  History     Math         
afternoon 5~6          Law  English    Music      Art  English
          7~8        Music  History  Science   Botany    Music
evening   9~10     History  English  Physics  Science     Math
          11~12    English  Physics    Music    Music    Music # axis = 1
week                   Fri     Thur      Wed     Tues      Mon
day                      5        4        3        2        1
part      section                                             
morning   1~2         Math    Music      Art  History  Science
          3~4        Music  History              Math  Science
afternoon 5~6          Law    Music  English      Art  English
          7~8        Music  Science    Music   Botany  History
evening   9~10     History  Physics     Math  Science  English
          11~12    English    Music    Music    Music  Physics # axis = 1, level = 1

17.4 层次化索引的分级统计


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
course_name = ["Math", "English","Music", "Physics", "History",
      "Law", "Botany", "Science", "Art", ""]
course_number = range(len(course_name))
d_map = dict(zip(course_number, course_name))
dd = np.random.randint(0,len(course_name), size = 30).reshape((6,5))
df = pd.DataFrame(dd,
                 index=[['morning', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'afternoon', 'evening', 'evening'],
                        ["1~2", "3~4", "5~6", "7~8", "9~10", "11~12"]],
                 columns=[["Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"],
                          [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]])
print "-" * 40
print df
df.index.names = ["part", "section"]
df.columns.names = ["week", "day"]
print "-" * 40
print df.sum(level = 0), "# level = 0"
print "-" * 40
print df.sum(level = 1, axis = 1), "# level = 1, axis = 1"
print "-" * 40


                Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
                  1    1   2    2   3
morning   1~2     2    5   3    0   4
          3~4     9    4   5    9   2
afternoon 5~6     8    9   3    4   9
          7~8     3    7   3    8   1
evening   9~10    3    0   6    4   7
          11~12   5    2   0    3   5 # df
week      Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
day         1    1   2    2   3
morning    11    9   8    9   6
afternoon  11   16   6   12  10
evening     8    2   6    7  12 # level = 0
day                 1   2  3
part      section           
morning   1~2       7   3  4
          3~4      13  14  2
afternoon 5~6      17   7  9
          7~8      10  11  1
evening   9~10      3  10  7
          11~12     7   3  5 # level = 1, axis = 1

17.5 去层次化索引


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv("iris.csv", sep = ",", header = None, names = ["sepal_l","sepal_w", "petal_l", "petal_w", "class"])
print "-" * 40
print df[:10]
df.index.names = ["no."]
df["row_no."] = np.arange(len(df["sepal_l"]))
print "-" * 40
print df[:10], "# df"
df2 = df.set_index(["class","row_no."])
print "-" * 40
print df2[:10], "set_index"
print "-" * 40
print df2.index.levels[0], "# row index"
print "-" * 40
print df2.reset_index(level = 0)[:10], "reset level=0"
print "-" * 40
print df2.reset_index(level = 1)[:10], "reset level=1"
print "-" * 40


   sepal_l  sepal_w  petal_l  petal_w        class
0      5.1      3.5      1.4      0.2  Iris-setosa
1      4.9      3.0      1.4      0.2  Iris-setosa
2      4.7      3.2      1.3      0.2  Iris-setosa
3      4.6      3.1      1.5      0.2  Iris-setosa
4      5.0      3.6      1.4      0.2  Iris-setosa
5      5.4      3.9      1.7      0.4  Iris-setosa
6      4.6      3.4      1.4      0.3  Iris-setosa
7      5.0      3.4      1.5      0.2  Iris-setosa
8      4.4      2.9      1.4      0.2  Iris-setosa
9      4.9      3.1      1.5      0.1  Iris-setosa
     sepal_l  sepal_w  petal_l  petal_w        class  row_no.
0        5.1      3.5      1.4      0.2  Iris-setosa        0
1        4.9      3.0      1.4      0.2  Iris-setosa        1
2        4.7      3.2      1.3      0.2  Iris-setosa        2
3        4.6      3.1      1.5      0.2  Iris-setosa        3
4        5.0      3.6      1.4      0.2  Iris-setosa        4
5        5.4      3.9      1.7      0.4  Iris-setosa        5
6        4.6      3.4      1.4      0.3  Iris-setosa        6
7        5.0      3.4      1.5      0.2  Iris-setosa        7
8        4.4      2.9      1.4      0.2  Iris-setosa        8
9        4.9      3.1      1.5      0.1  Iris-setosa        9 # df
                     sepal_l  sepal_w  petal_l  petal_w
class       row_no.                                    
Iris-setosa 0            5.1      3.5      1.4      0.2
            1            4.9      3.0      1.4      0.2
            2            4.7      3.2      1.3      0.2
            3            4.6      3.1      1.5      0.2
            4            5.0      3.6      1.4      0.2
            5            5.4      3.9      1.7      0.4
            6            4.6      3.4      1.4      0.3
            7            5.0      3.4      1.5      0.2
            8            4.4      2.9      1.4      0.2
            9            4.9      3.1      1.5      0.1 set_index
Index([u'Iris-setosa', u'Iris-versicolor', u'Iris-virginica'], dtype='object', name=u'class') # row index
               class  sepal_l  sepal_w  petal_l  petal_w
0        Iris-setosa      5.1      3.5      1.4      0.2
1        Iris-setosa      4.9      3.0      1.4      0.2
2        Iris-setosa      4.7      3.2      1.3      0.2
3        Iris-setosa      4.6      3.1      1.5      0.2
4        Iris-setosa      5.0      3.6      1.4      0.2
5        Iris-setosa      5.4      3.9      1.7      0.4
6        Iris-setosa      4.6      3.4      1.4      0.3
7        Iris-setosa      5.0      3.4      1.5      0.2
8        Iris-setosa      4.4      2.9      1.4      0.2
9        Iris-setosa      4.9      3.1      1.5      0.1 reset level=0
             row_no.  sepal_l  sepal_w  petal_l  petal_w
Iris-setosa        0      5.1      3.5      1.4      0.2
Iris-setosa        1      4.9      3.0      1.4      0.2
Iris-setosa        2      4.7      3.2      1.3      0.2
Iris-setosa        3      4.6      3.1      1.5      0.2
Iris-setosa        4      5.0      3.6      1.4      0.2
Iris-setosa        5      5.4      3.9      1.7      0.4
Iris-setosa        6      4.6      3.4      1.4      0.3
Iris-setosa        7      5.0      3.4      1.5      0.2
Iris-setosa        8      4.4      2.9      1.4      0.2
Iris-setosa        9      4.9      3.1      1.5      0.1 reset level=1

语句df2 = df.set_index(["class","row_no."])将最后两列"class"和"row_no."作为两级索引,得到

                     sepal_l  sepal_w  petal_l  petal_w
class       row_no.                                    
Iris-setosa 0            5.1      3.5      1.4      0.2
            1            4.9      3.0      1.4      0.2
            2            4.7      3.2      1.3      0.2
            3            4.6      3.1      1.5      0.2
            4            5.0      3.6      1.4      0.2
            5            5.4      3.9      1.7      0.4
            6            4.6      3.4      1.4      0.3
            7            5.0      3.4      1.5      0.2
            8            4.4      2.9      1.4      0.2
            9            4.9      3.1      1.5      0.1 set_index

这样的结果。语句print df2.reset_index(level = 0)是以内层索引为索引,去掉外层的索引,得到

               class  sepal_l  sepal_w  petal_l  petal_w
0        Iris-setosa      5.1      3.5      1.4      0.2
1        Iris-setosa      4.9      3.0      1.4      0.2
2        Iris-setosa      4.7      3.2      1.3      0.2
3        Iris-setosa      4.6      3.1      1.5      0.2
4        Iris-setosa      5.0      3.6      1.4      0.2
5        Iris-setosa      5.4      3.9      1.7      0.4
6        Iris-setosa      4.6      3.4      1.4      0.3
7        Iris-setosa      5.0      3.4      1.5      0.2
8        Iris-setosa      4.4      2.9      1.4      0.2
9        Iris-setosa      4.9      3.1      1.5      0.1 reset level=0

而语句df2.reset_index(level = 1)则是以外层做为索引,去掉内层索引,得到:

             row_no.  sepal_l  sepal_w  petal_l  petal_w
Iris-setosa        0      5.1      3.5      1.4      0.2
Iris-setosa        1      4.9      3.0      1.4      0.2
Iris-setosa        2      4.7      3.2      1.3      0.2
Iris-setosa        3      4.6      3.1      1.5      0.2
Iris-setosa        4      5.0      3.6      1.4      0.2
Iris-setosa        5      5.4      3.9      1.7      0.4
Iris-setosa        6      4.6      3.4      1.4      0.3
Iris-setosa        7      5.0      3.4      1.5      0.2
Iris-setosa        8      4.4      2.9      1.4      0.2
Iris-setosa        9      4.9      3.1      1.5      0.1 reset level=1
