6. Pandas的Series的函数


6.1 get、get_value函数


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> help(pd.Series.get)
get(self, key, default=None) unbound pandas.core.series.Series method  Get item from object for given key (DataFrame column, Panel slice, etc.). Returns default value if not found


import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1, 21, 13, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)

print t.get("the")
print t.get_value("the")

print t.get("The", "None")
#print t.get_value("The")

6.2 add、append函数


  • add函数可以将other另一个Series对象加到某Series对象里,两个Series具有相同的index或者label的对应值相加。
import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1, 21, 13, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
val = [4, 4, 4, 4]
s = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print t.add(s)
print t + 4


  • append函数和列表的append函数类似,将另外一个series连接在某series后边。
import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1, 21, 13, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
val = [4, 4, 4, 4]
s = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print t, "<- t" 
print t.append(s), "<- append"
print t, "<- t"

6.3 count函数


import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1, 21, None, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print t, "<- t"
print t.count(), "<- t.count()"

6.4 sort_index、sort_values函数


import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1, 21, None, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print t.sort_index(), "<- t.count()"
print t, "<- t"


cruel    NaN
hello      1
the       21
world    104
dtype: float64 <- t.sort_index()
hello      1
the       21
cruel    NaN
world    104
dtype: float64 <- t


import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1000, 201, None, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print t, "<- t"
print t.sort_values(), "<- t.sort_values()"
print t, "<- t"


import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1000, 201, None, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print t, "<- t"
t.sort_index(inplace = True)
print t, "<- after t.sort_index(inplace=True)"
t.sort_values(inplace = True)
print t, "<- after t.sort_values(inplace=True)"


hello    1000
the       201
cruel     NaN
world     104
dtype: float64 <- t
cruel     NaN
hello    1000
the       201
world     104
dtype: float64 <- after t.sort_index(inplace=True)
world     104
the       201
hello    1000
cruel     NaN
dtype: float64 <- after t.sort_values(inplace=True)

6.5 reset_index函数


import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1000, 201, None, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
print t, "<- t"
print t.reset_index(), "<- reset_index"
print t.reset_index(drop = True), "<- reset_index"
print t, "<- t"


6.6 reindex函数


import pandas as pd
idx =  "hello the cruel world".split()
val = [1000, 201, None, 104]
t = pd.Series(val, index = idx)
idn = "hello python nice world".split()
print t, "<- t"
print t.reindex(idn), "<- reindex"
print t.reindex(idn, fill_value = -1), "<- reindex"
print t, "<- t"


hello    1000
the       201
cruel     NaN
world     104
dtype: float64 <- t
hello     1000
python     NaN
nice       NaN
world      104
dtype: float64 <- reindex
hello     1000
python      -1
nice        -1
world      104
dtype: float64 <- reindex
hello    1000
the       201
cruel     NaN
world     104
dtype: float64 <- t
